Case Studies

Paper Mill Playhouse: Website Audit and Recommendations

How Situation Elevated Paper Mill Playhouse's Website



The mission statement of Paper Mill Playhouse, a tri-state institution recognized for their unwavering commitment to fostering Broadway audiences, recognizes the importance of inclusion and providing access to all. Though the organization was not yet ready to take on a full website redesign, we were engaged to audit the existing site and offer recommendations to improve the overall functionality and user experience. 

What We Did

Website Optimizations

User Experience


We’re committed to partnering with our clients no matter where they are in their website redesign journey. Our UX and Analytics team members led a detailed discovery session with the Paper Mill team to align on goals for the project and define KPIs for success. We then evaluated the site in detail, focusing on possible UX improvements, easy ways to reduce page load times, user accessibility updates, and mobile design suggestions. The final deliverables for this engagement were a series of annotated diagrams of key site pages (identified during discovery) as well as a detailed analytics audit that highlighted specific changes to be made behind the scenes to improve overall reporting.

Meghan Goria
Arts & Culture Account Group Director